

Product Description

BIYOVIS tea mixture- 30 filters/box
T 020-2

The goal of the herbs found in the tea mixture, is to dissolve, remove the accumulated  damaging roughage from the organism, while ensuring the body with minerals with the daily fluid intake. 
It can be recommended to diabetics as well. Its regular consumption has beneficial effects on digestion disorders and helps control body weight. Its ingredients have antioxidant effects, and naturally ties down free radicals, which ensures protection against diseases that attack the immune system.

Effects of ingredients:

normalizes the functions of  the bile, kidney, liver and pancreas 

efficiently purifies and roborates
-solves joint problems
blood cleanser, blood thinner
has beneficial effects on diabetes
diuretic, anti-microbial, bacteriostatic and antispasmodic effect 
you can enjoy your tea and it can be used for your fluid diet too

Pour 2-3 dl of boiling water onto 1 filter, then tightly cover it and leave it stand for 15 minutes. After removing the filter, you can drink the tea hot, cold directly or diluted (up to 2 liters), perhaps flavor it with honey and drink it. 

Green tea, Nettle, Rosehip, Lemon grass, Hollyhock flower, Bamboo leaf, Lotus leaf


Nettle: Nettle is remarkably rich in beneficial active agents and thus it contains: Vitamin A, B, C, K, U, P, iron, selenium, chlorophyll, formic acid which causes its stinging effects, further more it has flavonoids and other phytochemicals, which have a positive effect on the: heart and circulatory system, excretory system, digestive system, men and women’s genitalia.  

Rosehip: Effects: strengthens the immune system, and with its high content of Vitamin C, it is an outstanding antioxidant, that protects the cells and helps degrade fatty foods.

Lemongrass: its active agents have anti-viral, relaxing effects. It stimulates the digestion, and is often used for relieving headaches, insomnia and sleeping disorders. It alleviates stress, thus the herb greatly strengthens the nervous system.

Hollyhock Mallow flower: similar to the white malva, this mallow’s main ingredients effect the mucus materials, that is why it is used to treat respiratory, digestive tract catarrh diseases; the herb has anti-inflammatory effects and can be used as a catarrh reliever.

Bamboo leaf: the processing of leaves is a relatively complicated fermentation process. The tea has an alkaline pH, is rich in fiber and protein, and filled with mineral substances and trace elements.

Lotus leaf: the lotus leaves greatly effect the skin’s metabolism. It dilates blood vessels, thus it reduces blood pressure; decreases appetite, improves fat metabolism and keeps the cholesterol level in balance.


Warning! The product should not be used as a substitute for a varied, well balanced diet and healthy lifestyle!
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose!


Contraindications: are unknown

Side effects: At the start of the diet skin changes, itchiness, red skin, may appear which are natural signs indicating your body is cleansing itself from impurities.